Techknave’s TKN 202 series Clamp-On Ultrasonic BTU Flow Meters

ConnectME Solutions has recently unveiled its latest series of Techknave clamp-on ultrasonic BTU flow meters, designed to meet the growing demand for accurate, non-intrusive energy measurement solutions. These advanced meters are poised to revolutionize the way industries and consumers monitor energy use, particularly in sectors focused on heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, district cooling, and water management.

Key Features of TKN202B Series 

The new Techknave TKN 202 series are equipped with cutting-edge technology that enables precise flow and thermal energy measurement without the need for invasive installation. This makes them ideal for retrofitting projects in existing pipelines, allowing for installation without system shutdowns. The clamp-on design simplifies the process, while still providing the same level of accuracy as more traditional in-line meters.

Techknave’s TKN 202 series clamp-on ultrasonic BTU flow meters stand out due to their non-intrusive nature. The TKN 202 series meters do not require any pipe modifications, which simplifies installation and reduces costs. They measure the flow of liquids by sending ultrasonic pulses through the pipes, calculating the flow rate based on the time difference of the pulses traveling upstream and downstream. This design ensures high accuracy even in complex flow conditions, and is highly durable, minimizing maintenance needs.

  • Measurement accuracy +-0.5 to 1%
  • Non-Invasive with no pipe disturbance and no Maintenance
  • Easy installations
  • Wide range, pipe size from DN25mm to DN600mm and flow rate of 0.01 to 15m/s
  • Suitable for many common pipe materials
    Communication interface – Modbus RTU / TCP, BACNET MSTP / IP and MBus
  • 4G / GPRS modem for remote monitoring
  • Connectivity to UBILL MACCOUD server for Record & Analyze
  • Weather resistance enclosure – IP65
  • BTU, MWH, Velocity, Volumetric, Totalized flow measurements
  • Internal data logging

These Techknave TKN 202 series meters use ultrasonic technology to measure the flow of liquids and monitor energy consumption in both heating and cooling systems. The series includes integrated sensors for flow and temperature, enabling real-time BTU (British Thermal Unit) calculations. This real-time monitoring is critical for industries looking to optimize energy use and reduce costs.

Another major feature is the ability to monitor thermal energy consumption in real-time. Equipped with dual sensors for flow and temperature, these meters accurately calculate BTU consumption for both heating and cooling applications. This is especially useful in the Middle East, where district cooling systems are prevalent, and precise energy monitoring is essential to achieving energy efficiency targets.

The Techknave clamp-on TKN 202 series meters are not just about measuring flow; they are about optimizing energy use. In regions like the Middle East, where district cooling is widespread, these meters can save companies millions by providing accurate, real-time data on their energy consumption.Kothandapani (Koths), IIoT Specialist at ConnectME Solutions

Industry Adoption and Use Cases

The Techknave Clamp-On Ultrasonic BTU Flow Meter is making a significant impact across various industrial sectors and consumer applications in the Middle East. In particular, industries in the Middle East, where cooling systems and water management are critical due to the region’s climate, are expected to benefit significantly. The TKN202B meters’ ability to monitor energy usage in district cooling systems, common in countries like the UAE and Saudi Arabia, is seen as a major advantage. They are also being implemented in water distribution systems, helping to prevent water waste and detect leaks early on.

1. Oil & Gas Sector

In the Middle East, oil and gas remain key economic drivers, and accurate flow measurement in pipelines is essential. The Techknave TKN 202 clamp-on ultrasonic flow meters are highly effective in monitoring the flow of hydrocarbons without causing interruptions or shutdowns. Their non-invasive nature also makes them particularly useful in retrofitting existing infrastructure, reducing downtime while maintaining accuracy.

2. Water and Wastewater Management

With growing concerns over water conservation, especially in arid regions like the Middle East, efficient water management systems are critical. Techknave’s TKN 202 meters are deployed in both water distribution and wastewater treatment plants for real-time flow monitoring and leak detection. By reducing water loss through timely leak identification, these meters play an important role in ensuring the efficient use of water resources.

3. HVAC and District Cooling

The Middle East, known for its extreme heat, relies heavily on district cooling systems to manage building temperatures. Techknave’s TKN 202 series BTU meters are widely implemented in these systems to monitor the cooling loads accurately. Real estate developments, hotels, and commercial complexes use the technology to ensure efficient distribution of cooling energy and reduce operational costs. The precision of Techknave meters in sub-metering also allows for accurate energy cost allocation, which is crucial for large-scale operations.

With its non-invasive technology, the TKN202B series meters provides precise measurement of flow rates and energy consumption in heating and cooling systems, making it a popular choice for industries prioritizing energy efficiency and cost management.

Future Outlook

Techknave’s TKN 202 series Clamp-On Ultrasonic BTU Flow Meter is becoming an integral tool for industries and consumers across the Middle East. With its ability to offer real-time, non-intrusive flow and energy measurement, the technology is helping industries in the region move toward more sustainable and cost-effective operations. From large-scale industrial applications to individual residential units, Techknave’s meters are contributing to the Middle East’s goals of resource efficiency and smart energy management.

In conclusion, the new Techknave TKN202B series offers a robust solution for industries looking to monitor and optimize energy use without the hassles of invasive installations. With industry experts endorsing its potential to revolutionize energy management, the future looks promising for Techknave and its innovative flow metering solutions.

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